
Healing our individual & collective relationship with Living and Dying, so you may navigate the process of dying with greater clarity and readiness.

The Living/Dying Project works with people through education and interfaith teachings to deepen our understanding and relationship with living and dying holistically, and ultimately to heal and fully realize our inherent wholeness.

Guest Speaker
From Near Death to New Life: A 3 Part Journey of Faith and Healing 
March 2, 9, & 23, 2025

CEUs available
March 1, 2025
March 15-16, 2025

Free support for those dealing with an Illness, with Grief, or with Caregiving Responsibilities

Contact us today

Online Courses

Offering educational courses on conscious living and dying
8+ hours

Become a source of strength, joy, and healing to those facing life’s most difficult situations.

4+ hours

RamDev Dale Borglum outlines the spiritual path by exploring the stages and steps along the way.

Upcoming Events

Interactive Offerings

Support for those Dealing with an Illness, with Grief, or with Caregiving Responsibilities.

Support for those Dealing with an Illness, with Grief, or with Caregiving Responsibilities.

Our courses offer a chance to feel radically alive, by learning to embrace your own death and support the dying.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out more information about your support groups and events?

Visit our calendar, click on the event that interests you, and there will be more information on what the event is about and how to attend.

No, although many of our clients receive hospice care. Please read more about practical considerations for living with a life-threatening illness here.

Although well intentioned, when folks reach out to us on behalf of someone else, we find that we often meet this person with confusion or resistance. If you feel your loved one could benefit from working with a volunteer, have them look at our website, social media, attend a support group, listen to the podcast, etc., and if they are interested, they are welcomed to email or call us to set up their own intake appointment.

Yes, please click here for the list.

We are touched to hear that folks would like the Project’s presence in their neighborhood, but we do not have established groups nor activities in other places. We do lead retreats from time to time. All of our events and gatherings can be found online on our website.

No, we have clients and volunteers from all over the world. Most of the work these days is being done via zoom and telephone and thus a client/volunteer may not live in your area. We do our best to keep it local and in-person, but this is not always possible and we’ve found that healing and connection can happen even over the phone or internet when used consciously. Volunteers should know that sometimes clients may not want in-person visits and want connection through other mediums. 

We have Clients and Volunteers worldwide: 

United States, Canada, Europe, South America, India, Australia, and New Zealand.

Founded in 1978 by:

Ram Dass
Stephen Levine
RamDev Dale Borglum

We have served over 10,000 Clients and their families and caregivers.

Over 250 Volunteers have been a companion for others since 1978.



Ram Dass

Co-Originator of Living/Dying Project, Harvard Psychologist, Spiritual Teacher, Writer, and End-of-Life Pioneer

“I Recommend Anything Dale Teaches.”


Anne Lamott

Award-winning New York Times Best-selling Author

“The Living/Dying Project is one of the most beautiful, profound and lovely organizations I know of. Dale and the people there have helped so many of my beloved friends cross over gracefully to whatever awaits us, beginning nearly thirty years ago, and helping my family once again just a few months ago.”



Support Group Member and Course Student

“Death is not something to look at from a negative perspective. From Dale I have learned that death allows [us] to appreciate life and I am extremely grateful for that, and to him for his wisdom. Dale is perhaps one of the wisest voices of our times when it comes to the conversation of death and dying, and life as well.”
Please See Video for Nicolás’s full testimonial.



Open Circle Client

“I didn’t have the energy to speak for 6 months… What a beautiful thing the Living/Dying Project is and I’m so grateful for it. Being in a situation like what I’ve been in, it can feel isolating and hopeless, but this organization relieves that.”
Please See Video for Millie’s full testimonial.



Open Circle Client

“Being here is so much harder than I thought it would be, it is truly incredible. I just got done sleeping in the recliner next to her [mom] through the night, giving meds every few hours and readjusting her, checking on needs. I do think her time is finally near. It is so hard to see her like this.

I don’t know I would be able to do this without the continual support, encouragement, friendship, and guidance you have given over these many months since this began. I am so thankful for you and Living/Dying Project. The work you all are doing is so so difficult, and so so important. Thank you.”
Please See Video for Derrick’s full testimonial.



Open Circle Volunteer and Support Group Member

“This practice has only enriched my life. It is not something that is dark and sad and depressing, though some have asked me those questions. It is actually a practice that brings a remarkable vitality to my life and a gratitude and a respect for others and their paths…”
Please See Video for Carly’s full testimonial.



Support Group Member and Course Student

“After losing my son, my brother-in law, within a six month period, I was at a pretty big loss. I needed answers, mostly about life after death. And after some searching, I came upon Living/Dying Project and they had a lot of great resources and support. The first thing I did was…”
Please See Video for Brian’s full testimonial.



Open Circle Volunteer

“Jim and I used to the walk in the forest — he would walk in Sweden and myself in the Netherlands — showing each other the beauty of nature, talking about death… this was such a beautiful experience.”
Please See Video for Ruben’s full testimonial.



Open Circle Client

“It’s not a fear of dying or death, it’s a fear of absence, it’s a fear of not being here for my family. The Living/Dying Project has allowed me to talk through that. It’s truly spiritual hospice… I have been able to talk through some of the hardest spiritual truths there are.”
Please see video for Alex’s full testimonial


Dale F.

Support Group Member

“I’ve been wanting to thank you for [RamDev Dale Borglum’s] talks. After having my full of teachings and exploring over the past 40 years there is not much I am drawn to. But there is something about your talks that so resonates with what is most relevant at this time – becoming more and more aware of – the not me – the one behind – compassionate awareness.  

You touch upon basic daily moments again and again with your admissions of your own stuff – it’s kind of sweet – but really relevant to remembering our true work of awakening. Deep appreciation.”



Open Circle Client

“Thank you again for yesterday. I think I was stunned both by your forthrightness and courage to say what needed to be said, and my own deeper understanding of what my struggle/suffering is about. Now impossible to turn back. Astonishing!”



Support Group Member

“Dale is such a fantastic speaker, a fantastic teacher. Also the fact that he comes from a Western background and that he got a PhD and comes from a place of logic is something I really relate to. His teachings are so very clear. I can relate to them. He’s fully human. He shows us humanity. And it’s been one of the great gifts in my life to study with Dale.”
Please See Video for Chris’s full testimonial.