
Staff and Board of Directors


RamDev Dale Borglum
Executive Director

RamDev Dale Borglum is the Founder and Executive Director of the Living/Dying Project in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a pioneer in the conscious dying movement and has worked directly with thousands of people with life-threatening illnesses and their families for over 45 years. In 1981, Dale founded the first residential facility in the United States, The Dying Center, for people who wished to die consciously.

He has taught and lectured extensively on the topics of spiritual support for those with life- threatening illness, on caregiving as a spiritual practice, and on healing at the edge — the edge of illness, of death, of loss, of crisis. Dale has a BS from UC Berkeley and a PhD from Stanford University. He is the co-author of Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guidebook and has taught meditation for the past 50 years.

He has intensively immersed himself in the practices of devotion, meditation, and contemplative prayer for over forty years, studying with many of the greatest masters of the last century including Neem Karoli Baba, Suzuki Roshi, Ananda Mayee Ma, Kalu Rinpoche, the 16th Karmapa, Dilgo Khyentse, Mahasi Sayadaw, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Trungpa Rinpoche, Goenka, Dudjom Rinpoche and HH the Dalai Lama. Dale has taught with Ram Dass, Stephen Levine, Joan Halifax, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Rev. Wayne Muller, and many others. His life’s work and passion has been and continues to be the healing of our individual and collective relationship with death and using our mortality as an inspiration for spiritual awakening.

Annabelle Scott
Program Coordinator

Board of Directors

Doug Wallace

Doug Wallace (President) has been a volunteer with the Living/Dying Project for more than 10 years. He finds working with people at the end of life the most meaningful and enriching service imaginable. It is a privilege to be invited into a client’s life in this way, and to take it as a path of spiritual growth. He is a longtime meditator and yogi, whose primary teachers have been the founders of the Insight Meditation Society (Vipassana), H.W.L. Poonjaji (Advaita Vedanta), and Tsoknyi Rinpoche (Dzogchen). He also studies regularly with David Loy in the Zen tradition. Doug is a certified instructor in vinyasa yoga and qigong, and finds these practices a vital complement in embodied awareness. He is retired from a career in water and environmental policy, and continues his engagement in climate and community activism. He was educated at Yale, Harvard, and the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Throughout his professional and volunteer life, Doug has been motivated by service to the greater good and leading from the heart.

Kristin Singer
Vice President

Kristin Singer (Vice President and Chair of Client Volunteer Services Committee) is a certified Yoga Therapist and Reiki Master supporting clients on the journey of transformation and spiritual awakening. She has been a volunteer and board member for the Living/Dying Project since 2014. As a volunteer, Kristin spiritually supports residents at Maitri Compassionate Care in San Francisco, a hospice/respite center for the unhoused and those living with HIV. She came to the Living/Dying Project after a profound life changing encounter with death where she experienced an 8 hour state of unconditional love, while her physical body struggled to survive. This experience served to deepen Kristin’s spiritual journey and became a catalyst for her own deep emotional healing. Kristin’s background in western psychology combined with her exploration of eastern philosophy and experience of unconditional love give her a unique perspective from which to serve.

RamDev Dale Borglum
Founder and Executive Director

Ramdev Dale Borglum (Secretary) founded and directed the Hanuman Foundation Dying Center in Santa Fe, NM, the first residential facility in the United States to support conscious dying. He has been the Executive Director of the Living/Dying Project in Santa Fe and since 1986 in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is the co-author with Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman and Dwarka Bonner of Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guidebook and has taught meditation since 1974. Dale lectures and gives workshops on the topics of meditation, healing, spiritual support for those with life-threatening illness, and on caregiving as spiritual practice. He has a doctorate degree from Stanford University.

Lawrence Chyall

Lawrence Chyall (Treasurer), RN, MS serves as the Neuroscience Programs Manger at Zuckerberg San Francisco Hospital, an American College of Surgeons Level 1 designated trauma center and safety net hospital severing the most vulnerable citizens of San Francisco. He has extensive experience in the care for the dying and their families, especially individuals dying from acute and/or traumatic illness. Lawrence serves as an Clinical Ethics Consultant at ZSFG and also provides training and support to nurses and physicians experiencing moral distress and moral injury. He is a graduate of UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco.

Aurora Leonard

Having served as the former Associate Director for the Living/Dying Project, Aurora is now the Fundraising Chair of the Board of Directors and facilitates the Project’s Conscious Grief Support Group. She is currently on sabbatical and will return April 2025.

She believes the teachings and conscious approach the Living/Dying Project offers are unique from what is typically offered to those dealing with end-of-life issues. No matter life’s difficulty, healing into wholeness is always available.

Pamela McQueen

Pamela McQueen (formerly Hadfield) is a tech entrepreneur and for the last decade has worked within the medical cannabis space and psychedelic industry. As Founder of HelloMD, she launched the first digital Telehealth platform for medical cannabis consumers and in 2021 she co-founded Eastra Health, the first psychedelic biotech focused on female health issues. She’s been called a thought leader and pioneer within both spaces and has been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Forbes, and on the cover of DOPE Magazine.

Her interest in The Living/Dying Project stems from her exploration into the nature of consciousness, a desire to more fully awaken, and a deep regard of the conscious dying movement. For the last 30 years she has been a student of Bhakti yoga, devotional kirtan, as well as numerous spiritual teachers.

Chris Beaudry

Chris Beaudry is a father, husband & farmer in NE Saskatchewan Canada. He has a background in devotional bhakti practices, Tibetan Buddhism, and compassionate inquiry. Chris was a coach of the 2017/18 Humboldt Broncos who were tragically involved in a bus accident that killed 16 players and staff and injured 13 others. Since then, he has engaged in public speaking and advocacy across North America focusing on mental health, trauma, and grief.

Virginia Fauvre

Virginia Fauvre has been involved in the field of death and dying for 40 years. She and her late husband, Chuck Fauvre, were present at the launching of the Living/Dying Project in the Bay Area in the late 1980s.  She has led workshops and assisted with trainings for the Zen Hospice of San Francisco. In mid-life she received a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology where she explored art as a pathway of consciousness, and grief and death as as opportunities for awakening.

Jonathan Frieman

Jonathan Frieman (Chair of Governance Committee) From a very young age Jonathan found spirituality, which led to a life of service, love of Neem Karoli Baba, and a broad experience with all kinds of nonprofits. With his MPA and law degree, Jonathan co-founded several organizations and helmed boards in a range of efforts from dance troupes, to Amazon rainforest advocacy, to youth groups, to alternative currencies, and now helping people with quadriplegia stay in their own homes through the raising of small stipends. He looks forward to helping the Living/Dying Project.

Brad Price

Brad Price was training to climb Mt. Ranier 25 years ago when he was suddenly afflicted with a rare autoimmune kidney disease. Due to the disease or side effects from the treatments he has had colon cancer requiring a complete colectomy, two major heart attacks and over 40 emergency room visits.

After undergoing an experimental treatment four years ago his kidney disease had been in full remission. He has cycled over 15k miles in the last three years including a 100 mile ride on his recent 60th birthday.

Brad has served on the board of the National Kidney Foundation serving California, Nevada, Oregon Washington, and Alaska for 8 years and as its president for three years. Brad has also worked with other non profits including Home of Hope, Nephcure, The Nephrotic Foundation and coached little league baseball for 8 years. Brad has an MBA from Texas A&M University and a background in software sales and strategic planning.

Dave Hari Cianciulli

Dave Hari Cianciulli is an experienced professional in Bay Area manufacturing with a passion for family, including three children and four cherished grandchildren.

Jim Forbes

Jim Forbes is a former accountant and real estate investor who had one of those moments of awakening when he realized his life of money sucked. In 2008 and 2009 he attended Ram Dass retreats on Maui and has been devoted to practice ever since. He founded a donation based meditation and yoga studio in Madrid, Spain, where he sometimes teaches and lives part time.

Mukti Ma

Mukti Ma resides in Santa Fe New Mexico. In 1972 Neem Karoli Baba called her to spend 3 months with him before he left his body. He blasted her heart chakra open, never to close again no matter what. She then went to be with Ananda Mayi Maa for 10 years until she left her body. Mukti has worked with Stephen Levine and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, and has been with many people who have transitioned and she is honored to be part of the Board of Living/Dying Project.

Caroline Doyle
Board Consultant

Caroline Doyle has a professional life in the medical office sector of commercial real estate in San Francisco Bay Area where she works with institutional and private real estate investors including healthcare systems and REITs.  In her personal life, she loves the pursuit of consciousness and healing and is working on a second Masters in Consciousness and Transformative Studies at John F. Kennedy University in addition to a certification in a practitioner program in Somatic Experiencing, a body-based bio-psycho-social model for healing trauma and stress disorders. She became a Living/Dying Project volunteer in 2018 after companioning her Aunt Carolyn during her end of life journey and is active with East Bay Hospice regularly facilitating kids and adults support groups. She holds a BA from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Political Science and a MBA in Financial Management and Markets from Arizona State University. She resides in Danville, CA.

Kilie Crowley
Board Consultant

Kilie Crowley is a trained end-of-life doula and mental health advocate skilled at holding space and supporting others through profoundly transformational experiences. She also finds great satisfaction in guiding others on their path to self-healing. Kilie has several years of experience in grassroots outreach, account management, and sales and loves her role as a hospice respite volunteer.

Kilie has always felt called to service but didn’t know what shape that would take before stumbling upon the work and teachings of Ram Dass and RamDev Dale Borglum in both Be Here Now and the history of the Dying Center and the Living/Dying Project. These teachings, among others, are what led her to train as an end-of-life doula and pursue a path of service to the dying and their circle of care. She believes that being with the dying teaches us how to live more fully and that the dying process itself is an opportunity to do the deepest spiritual work. Realizing that any healing work we do with others we also do for ourselves, her aim is to help people shed their baggage so they can leave the physical plain unfettered and free.

Vanessa Wellmann
Board Consultant

Vanessa Wellmann is a development and international affairs professional with ample experience in managing significant projects and initiatives in both the public and non-profit sectors. She started working in Colombia, later moving to the United Kingdom to serve as Deputy Consul General of Colombia to the United Kingdom. She was part of the Development Team of the Mayor of London, where she advised the Mayor on women’s rights and corporate social responsibility strategy. In San Francisco, she joined the founding team of Lava Mae, taking the role of Chief Operating Officer and growing the organization from four people to more than thirty people with operations in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Oakland. She transitioned to her current role as a non-profit consultant and moved to Sausalito with her family in 2022.
Vanessa’s educational background is in Law with a master’s degree in Diplomatic and International Studies from the University of London.  She lives with her twins Antoine and Alaia, her husband Olivier, and her dog Toni.

Nate Hinerman
Board Consultant

Nate Hinerman, PhD, LMFT, is Dean of Undergraduate Programs at Golden Gate University, San Francisco, where he is a Professor of Psychology Department Chair. He is also on the faculty at the University of San Francisco, teaching in the Nursing School and in the Religious Studies Department. He serves as Chair of the San Francisco End of Life Network, a community-based support and education group for hospice and palliative care professionals and patients, now in its 23rd year.

Michael Podlin
Board Consultant

Michael Podlin is a retired fundraising and alumni relations executive. He most recently served as Vice President for University Advancement at Seattle University and was formerly Associate Dean for Advancement in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington. He is an accomplished leader with comprehensive campaign experience in large public and private academic institutions. Michael has practiced zen meditation for over twenty years in the Soto and Rinzai traditions throughout the United States and Japan. He resides in Seattle Washington with his English Cocker Spaniel, Sir Stanley.

Laura Powell
Board Consultant

Laura Powell After a 20-year career leading banking teams and making large loans to corporations in the Bay Area, she left banking for a second career in executive search and consulting which she’s enjoyed for nearly 18 years now. She’s led a number of boards–including the Living/Dying board in its earlier inception–and has enjoyed working with nonprofit and for-profit clients on board development, board governance, and C-level search engagements.  Her first husband died of cancer, which is when she met Dale and Jinn, and that experience opened her heart and changed her life. She lives and works in San Francisco, along with her wonderful husband Chuck. She is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, N.Y., and has been an active volunteer in the Bay Area for many years, most recently chairing the Board of Larkin Street Youth Services (2014-2017).

Jon Vasu Seskevich
Board Consultant
Peter Kelsey