Recommended Reading List

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This is a curated recommend reading list intended to support your healing and deepen your understanding and practice of conscious living and dying.

Death and Grief

Who Dies? – Stephen Levine
Healing into Life and Death – Stephen Levine
Still Here – Ram Dass
Walking Each Other Home – Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche
Advice on Dying – The Dalai Lama
A Year to Live: How to Live this Year as If It Were Your Last – Stephen Levine
The Denial of Death – Ernest Becker
The Wild Edge of Sorrow – Francis Weller
Unattended Sorrow – Stephen Levine
Dying with Confidence – Anyen Rinpoche
Facing Death and Finding Hope – Christine Longaker
The Grace in Dying – Kathleen Dowling Singh
Advice for Future Corpses (and Those Who Love Them): A Practical Perspective on Death and Dying – Sallie Tisdale
The Tibetan Book of the Dead – Robert Thurman


Miracle of Love – Ram Dass
Tantra Illuminated – Christopher Wallis
The Recognition Sutras – Christopher Wallis
Mother of the Universe – Lex Hixon
Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman
Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver – Mary Oliver
Love Poems from God – Daniel Ladinsky
Julian of Norwich: The Showings: Uncovering the Face of the Feminine in Revelations of Divine Love – Mirabai Starr
Teresa of Avila: Ecstasy and Common Sense – Tessa Bielecki
Teachings of the Christian Mystics – Andrew Harvey
The Gift: Poems by Hafiz – Daniel Landinsky, trans.
Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna – Ramakrishna
Guru Yoga: According to the Preliminary Practice of Longchen Nyingtik – Dilgo Khentyse Rinpoche
Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart – Ram Dass and Rameshwar Dass

Meditation, Prayer and Nonduality

As It Is – Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
Fearless Simplicity – Tsoknyi Rinpoche
The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology – Igumen Chariton
Prayer: Its Nature and Technique – Kirpal Singh
Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer – Brother David Steindl-Rast
Pointing Out the Great Way – Daniel P. Brown
The Mind Illuminated – John Yates
Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi – David Godman, ed.
Being Aware of Being Aware – Rupert Spira
I Am That – Nisargadatta Maharaj
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom – Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield
Lovingkindness – Sharon Salzberg
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind – Shunyru Suzuki
The Three Pillars of Zen – Philip Kapleau, ed.
Journey of Awakening – Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, Dwarka Bonner & Dale Borglum

The Spiritual Path

Eastern Body, Western Mind – Anodea Judith
The Great Path of Awakening – Jamgon Kontrul
Luminous Mind – Kalu Rinpoche
The Bodhisattva Guide – The Dalai Lama
Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment – The Dalai Lama
The Perennial Philosophy – Aldous Huxley
Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita – Ram Dass
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism – Chögyam Trungpa
The Places that Scare You – Pema Chödrön
You Are the Eyes of the World – Longchenpa
A Path With Heart – Jack Kornfield
Hara – Karlfried Graf Dürckheim
The Art of Spiritual Healing – Joel Goldsmith
Essence – A.H. Almaas
The Lover Within – Julie Henderson