Please consider becoming a monthly donor!
Monthly donations sustainably support the Project. Your support truly upholds our mission to offer compassionate support to those dealing with end-of-life issues, their families, caregivers, and anyone amidst a vulnerable and transformational time.
Match Your Gift
A matching gifts program might be offered by your workplace. We are registered with several Corporate Social Responsibility platforms that participate in online workplace giving and matching, including Benevity, YourCause, CyberGrants, and BrightFunds. Inquire within your workplace about a donation match program and perhaps you can double – or even triple – your donation!
Through you, we are able and honored to assist people during their most sacred and vulnerable time.
Even a small amount will make a difference.
The Living/Dying Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
If you’d like to send a check, mail to:
Living/Dying Project
P.O. Box 357
Fairfax, CA 94978
To make a donation of stock, real estate or other non currency gifts, please call or email our office. Also please consider making a bequest to the Living/Dying Project when you are estate planning.